If you have ever wanted to know more about the painful condition known as hemorrhoids then stop what you are doing and read this article in its entirety. We have gathered and described some of the most important tips available when it comes to taking care of hemorrhoids.
If you are struggling with hemorrhoids, try to avoid straining for a bowel movement. You should wait until you are ready to go into the bathroom. Never try to force yourself to have a bowel movement. If you are not completely ready to use the bathroom, try exercising or walking to help with the bowel movement.
Something that you can do to help prevent hemorrhoids is to avoid fast food. When you get a craving for fast food, simply drink a bottle of water, which will reduce the hunger pains that you feel. Eliminating poor choices of food will help to prevent the onset of hemorrhoids on your skin.
If you suffer from hemorrhoids, keep protein in your diet at a minimum. Protein tends to bind stool and hard stools lead to straining when going to the bathroom. That straining not only helps cause hemorrhoids, but also leads to much pain when using the toilet. Keep your stools soft by eating plenty of fruits, vegetables and fiber.
Eat fiber! One of the best solutions to treating hemorrhoids is by adding more fiber to your diet! Fiber will keep your stool soft and decrease bulk which will help reduce straining. Studies have shown that the increase of fiber in a diet will improve the discomfort of itching and pain associated with hemorrhoids.
A good option to treating a severe hemorrhoid problem is by using the herb horse chestnut. This herb was used in the past as a natural remedy to relieve swelling and inflammation. It can be taken as tea or in capsule form. It can also be applied externally as a compress. Before taking any supplement, be sure that you talk with your pharmacist or doctor.
If you find that you are suffering from regular occurrences of hemorrhoids you may want to rethink your daily routines. You may be spending too much consecutive time on your feet or in a seat. If you spend long periods of time sitting or standing you are putting increased pressure on your anus and that can lead to hemorrhoids.
Eat high-fiber foods to soften your stool. Try eating plenty of fruits such as blackberries, blueberries, grapes, papaya, raspberries and watermelon, as well as high-fiber vegetables like artichoke, beans, broccoli, cabbage, guava, kangkong (water spinach), okra, peas and prunes. Try to drink eight to ten glasses of water a day.
To stay as healthy as possible and limit the symptoms of hemorrhoids, make sure that you maintain a proper diet. This means that you should reduce the foods that have high cholesterol and fat content to improve the way that you feel. Eat well-balanced meals that are rich in protein for optimal results.
If you have hemorrhoids, you will want to stay away from all spicy foods (chili, hot sauce). These types of foods are very irritating to any current hemorrhoids. It is also recommended to avoid coffee, beer, and all types of carbonated beverages. Until you are feeling better, the blander foods you can eat, the better off you will be.
If you have hemorrhoids, apply any brand of petroleum jelly directly on the affected area. This will help to ease the passing of any hard stools, and avoid causing further injury. Apply the jelly right before you feel the need to use the bathroom, and do this every time until your hemorrhoid is fully healed.
Steer clear of spicy, hot foods and caffeine. Such substances can cause intestinal inflammation and exacerbate your hemorrhoids. Foods containing a great deal of spice are capable of causing severe hemorrhoid inflammation, and you should therefore stay away from them in order to ensure your own well-being.
Hemorrhoids can come around during pregnancy because of all the extra weight and stress that your body is carrying around. It is best to lay on your left side if you are going through this for 20 minutes every five hours so that the blood vessels of your hemorrhoids can get some relief from the pressure of your uterus.
A great way to ease your hemorrhoid problems is to lose weight. The excess weight around your abdomen and waist areas increase the pressure put on the veins in and around the anus. If you lose this excess weight it will relieve the pressure in this area and help with your hemorrhoid problems.
The most effective way to prevent hemorrhoids is to make sure your stool is not hard. Having to push out hard stools will irritate your anus, and ultimately, cause hemorrhoids. Try to eat foods that contain a lot of fiber, such as vegetables, and purchase a stool softener if needed.
Consume foods rich in fiber to avoid constipation. If you find yourself constipated often, the excessive pushing can lead to hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused by inflamed veins that swell and bulge. If your digestive system is healthy because you have been eating fiber-rich foods, you may be able to avoid hemorrhoids.
If you don't know whether you've got a hemorrhoid, it's vital that you talk to your doctor. Alleviate your fears over whether you have hemorrhoids or polyps. Be sure to have it checked fast if you're not able to find out for yourself.
Avoid using dry tissue paper. Instead, try a soothing wet wipe or at least dampen the paper with water first. Scraping dry paper across the surface of a hemorrhoid can lead to bleeding. It will also hurt less to wipe with a moist cloth than with a piece of dry paper.
In conclusion, it can never hurt to learn more about your body and how to cure or avoid certain ailments. One such ailment that can creep up on you without expecting it is hemorrhoids. Hopefully the detail provided in this article will assist you in knowing how to prevent and treat them.